During her stay in Coimbra, in the second half of 2013, Professor Chenaut finished the manuscript of a book entitled Género y procesos interlegales (315 pages), which will be published by the College of Michoacán. This text documents the legal practices that take place in the city of Coyutla, located in the Papantla region (Veracruz), where the indigenous population is mainly Totonac. The author proposed to show how the Totonac people use the law and the relations of integration, transaction, negotiation and conflict between local forms of regulation, indigenous law and state law.
The text's main concern is to analyze the intersections set out in interlegal processes between gender and law, showing how indigenous women position themselves and use the law. Conflicts affecting legal institutions in rural municipalities are largely permeated by gender relations that define them, that allow to assess ideologies, values, ways of life and forms of social organization of those who decide to use these institutions to promote action designed to solve, negotiate or disrupt interpersonal problems that arise in society.
During the first half of 2014, Victoria Chenaut is focusing on the analysis of data resulting from the research conducted in 2012 on the Totonac population living in the city of Papantla, located in the coastal plain of Veracruz. The central aim of this study is to explore the expressions of legal pluralism, analyzing the relations between gender and law by documenting two types of situations. On the one hand, the practice of resolving conflicts that occur in indigenous communities, in particular those related to requests for access to land by women in a patriarchal society where the transmission pattern of property takes place predominantly in favor of sons.
Furthermore, the research has focused on documenting the expressions assumed regarding women's honor within this society traditionally concerned with the confirmation of virginity during the rituals of wedding celebration. Both questions aim to deepen the study of family dynamics within the context of implementation of neoliberal policies in Mexico that, along with the phenomenon of globalization, has a profound impact on rural areas. After working in the Papantla region, Victoria Chenaut decided to work in a town on the Atlantic coast for a larger perspective on the region, seeking to contribute with considerations within the scope of legal anthropology research and providing a perspective articulated between gender studies, interlegality and conflicts over honor and rights.