International Conference of the European
Network of Political Ecology (ENTITLE)


With the aim of making the conference affordable for the greater number of people, we have three typologies of fee:

1. SUPPORTER FEE: 150,00 euro (30% will be used for travel grants) | Late registration (after February 15): 225,00 euro

2. REGULAR FEE: 100,00 euro (employed academics; anyone who enjoys FULL institutional support) | Late registration (after February 15): 150,00 euro

3. REDUCED FEE: 50,00 euro (everybody else) | Late registration (after February 15): 75,00 euro

A limited number of travel grants will be made available. If you wish to request a travel grant, please send a brief description of your motivations/needs to travelgrants_entitleconference@ces.uc.pt by October 15. We will give you an answer by December 15.

For crucial funding of travel grants to students, scholars and activists from lower-income countries/backgrounds, we acknowledge support from research projects lead by Dr. Henrik Ernstson that is part of Situated Ecologies & Situated Urban Political Ecologies Collective http://www.situatedecologies.net/projects) with support in particular from The Swedish Research Council Formas (Dnr: 211-2011-1519).