Module 3
8th Edition (2023/2024)

The three modules of the Series Publish do not Perish are designed to share good practises for accessing scientific knowledge and using information science systems. It is hoped that, within the framework of the practical sessions, participants will learn research and information management techniques, as well as academic writing, proofreading and editing of scientific texts, while getting to know the practises of the publishing market. The series will encourage early career researchers to feel more comfortable producing texts and interacting with national publishers. Survive the stampede!

28 May 2024, CES | Alta, room 1

10h00-12h00 | From Idea to Conclusion: strategies, techniques and challenges in managing thesis projects
Irina Castro (CES)

14h00-16h30 | Generative Artificial Intelligence: opportunities and challenges
Liliana Gomes (FLUC)


29 May 2024, CES | Alta, room 8

10h00-12h00 | From scientific presentations to social science communication
Rita Alcaire (CES)

14h00-16h00 | Production under pressure: time management
Olga Solovova (CEIS20)


5 June 2024, CES | Alta, room 1

10h00-11h15 | Researcher identification: getting started with ORCID and CIÊNCIA VITAE
Francisco Freitas (CES)

11h20-12h30 | Revista Critica de Ciências Sociais and E-Cadernos CES
Ana Sofia Veloso and Filipe Santos (CES)

14h00-15h00 | Inclusive Languages
Mónica Lopes (CES)

15h15 - 17h00 | Writing Workshop - or how not to be creative
Graça Capinha (FLUC/CES)

[Registration required. 25€ fee for all sessions. Please note that there will be no refund if registrants do not attend any of the training sessions]