This task consists of monitoring the initial projects devoted to developing and carrying out the instrument of Policies to be applied to Cities, ‘Partnerships for Urban Regeneration’ (PRU). An analysis will be conducted of the submissions approved in the first PRU tender-processes by the five Regional POs, with the aim of clarifying most especially the following aspects:
a) The extent to which submissions adhere to the principles underpinning the instrument of ‘Partnership for Urban Regeneration’ policy (consistency);
b) The extent to which there has been effective change in the philosophy, priorities and nature of the investment traditionally taken on at the level of interventions in urban areas (innovation);
c) The extent of effective involvement on the part of new players, especially private ones, in the processes of urban development (partnership);
d) Potential for lasting effects of the results of the Action Programmes by ensuring that initiatives and resources work together (autonomy);
e) The extent of consideration given to concerns such as the appropriate qualifications of human resources, job creation, combatting social exclusion, and ensuring gender equality in the Action Programmes (inclusive revitalising);
f) The need to activate incentives specific to economic activity beyond trade, catering and services. The resulting analyses will lead to conclusions and recommendations as to the need for and best way of: (i) adjusting the specific regulation and/or selection criteria.
g) Reinforce articulation among the Management Authorities of the Regional POs, considered from the viewpoint of national policy;
h)Guarantee greater territorial equity, bearing in mind players’ capacity on the ground, PRU aims and the tendering nature of this policy instrument;
i) Provide effective monitoring of Action Programme implementation.