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OGIVA Papers 1 "Proliferação de armas de fogo na Guiné-Bissau e em Cabo Verde. Uma abordagem regional e nacional" Ana Leão Publication date: September 2011 |
Oficina do CES 307 Transformar o luto em luta: Sobreviventes da violência armada Tatiana Moura, Rita Santos Publication date: May 2008 |
Rostos Invisíveis da Violência Armada: Um Estudo de Caso sobre o rio de Janeiro Tatiana Moura Publication date: 2007 PDF (portuguese) PDF (english) |
Auto de Resistência: Relatos de familiares de vítimas da violência armada Soares, Barbara; Moura, Tatiana; Afonso, Carla (orgs.) Publication Date: 2009 |
"A common factor in war and peace is violence against women", Tatiana Moura, Comunidade Segura, 22 July de 2009. Tatiana Moura of the Observatory on Gender and Armed Violence (OGAV) in Coimbra, Portugal was recently interviewed by Comunidade Segura, a project of the NGO Viva Rio in Brazil. OGAV's work spans Europe, Latin America and the Portuguese-speaking countries of Africa. |
"Portugal's firearms: lock, stock and barrel", Tatiana Moura e Rita Santos, Comunidade Segura, 23 June 2010. Tatiana Moura and Rita Santos, from the Observatory on Gender and Armed Violence (OGAV) in Coimbra, Portugal, were interviewed by Comunidade Segura, a media project by the NGO Viva Rio, Brazil, on the main results of the recently concludede research on "Violence and Small arms: the Portuguese case". |
Oficina do CES 340 UNSCR 1325: Is it only about war? Armed violence in non-war contexts Rita Santos, Tatiana Moura e Sílvia Roque Publication date: March 2010 |
Oficina do CES 363 Perspectivas feministas e pensamento sobre e para a paz: (re)conhecer as violências e resgatar as pazes Rita Santos Publication date: February 2011 |
Masculinities and Femininities Between Microwar and Macropeace- a Case Study on Rio de Janeiro
Masculinities and Femininities in International Politics Conference
Manchester University
5th May 2005
This paper has two main objectives: to analyse "masculinised" actors withins global politics (armed groups in Rio de Janeiro, a city that can be considered an example of a "newest war") and the resistance to hegemonic masculinities.
In sum, this article deals with the new conceptual category, newest wars, and women's agency and resistances to masculinised practices in contexts of "formal peace", thus challenging the myth and deconstructing stereotypes that identify protection or security with small arms.