
Chair Holder

The present holder of the Milton Santos Chair is Professor Luís Eduardo Aragón, professor and researcher at the Federal University of Pará. He holds a PhD in Geography by the University of Michigan, USA, and postdoctoral degrees in population studies by the Brown University and in Latin-American studies by the Stockholm University.

He was Executive Secretary of the Association of Amazonian Universities (UNAMAZ) and Coordinator of the Special Advisory Unit for National and International Relations (ARNI) and of the Centre of Advanced Amazonian Studies (NAEA) of the Federal University of Pará. He is Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair in South-South Cooperation for Sustainable Development.

He has many published works, including: The Amazon as a study object: Building regional capacity for sustainable development (1994), Ciência e Educação Superior na Amazónia: Desafios e oportunidades de cooperação internacional (2001), A desordem ecológica da Amazónia (org., 1991), Problemática do uso local e global da água da Amazónia (org., 2003), Populações da Pan-Amazónia (org., 2005), População e meio ambiente na Pan-Amazónia (Org., 2007), Migração internacional na Pan-Amazónia (org., 2009), Amazónia no cenário Sul-Americano (org., 2009).

His inaugural class, “Amazonia within the current international context”, took place on May 31,2011, at 17h, at the seminar room of Centre for Social Studies.