Deficiência e Emancipação Social: Para uma crise da normalidade [Disability and Social Emancipation: Towards a crisis of normality] 


Directed by Bruno Sena Martins, Fernando Fontes, Pedro Hespanha and Aleksandra Berg.

From the interviews carried out in Portugal over a three-year investigation, sprouts a picture of life histories tainted by spinal cord injury. In addition to exposing the very serious shortcomings in the poorly erected responses since the accident to the return to the community, promoting a discussion on that, more broadly, loom large structural conditions of social oppression experienced by disabled people in Portugal. As a way to reach a wider audience, the documentary film aims to be a contribution in exposing a fatalistic conception of disability, culturally dominant, which emphasizes functional disabilities, naturalizing exclusion and silencing. The crisis of normality, so understood, is a call toa sociopolitical transformation, taking seriously the voices and rights of persons with disabilities, in order to put an end to the trivialization of suffering.