From spinal cord injury to social inclusion: disability as a personal and socio-political challenge
Dissemination of results

We believe that the diffusion our work will become a valuable tool to increase public awareness about people with SCI and about disabled people in general.

With those objectives in mind, looking beyond academia, we plan to reach the general public, actors involved in the decision making processes, and institutions from civil society. The main actions to achieve these objectives are:

A) A documentary film for raising consciousness on disability issues in Portugal. This documentary will result mainly from the testimonies and daily experiences collected among people with spinal cord injury during the fieldworks. The film will be distributed to educational institutions across the country together with a pedagogical kit designed to be used by teachers in order to promote reflection and debate about the exhibited film. Furthermore, the film exhibition will be proposed to some national TV channels.

B) Public dissemination. This will be done through the release, during the execution of the project, of press releases to the media, in order to call their attention to the project activities and to preliminary and final results. That way we intend to instigate journalists to report the ongoing of the project trough interviews with the members on the research team and other sensible approaches to the subject on study. The quarterly newsletter will be distributed not only to institutions familiar to the subject of disability but also to the national media (the information will be also on our webpage).

C) Press articles. Publishing press articles in national newspapers will be an important form of delivering the issues and results of the project to a wider public.

D) The feedback seminar with the organizations of disabled people will also be instrumental to deliver the results of the project.

E) Books. The two books to be published on the basis of final report will allow us engage with a wider audience.

F) Conference. The final conference destined to a broad public (interested individuals, disabled people, organizations of disabled people, decision makers, rehabilitation institutions) will be also be instrumental to deliver the results of the project.