Shamim Meer
Key Qualifications
My academic qualifications are in Sociology and Development Studies. My Masters thesis was on women’s land
rights in South Africa’s bantustans.
I have worked as a social worker, women’s rights, community, media and political activist. I was a co-founder
of the publications SPEAK and Agenda, both of which focused on women’s and gender issues, and I served on
the board of the South African Labour Bulletin.
Since 1994, I have worked as a consultant in the area of development. My work has involved conducting
evaluations, gender trainings, and facilitating processes for gender mainstreaming within organisations.
I have worked with ngos in rural development, urban development and human rights; with women’s organisations;
and the trade union movement.
- 1994 - Master in City Planning. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
- 1993 - SPURS fellow. Massachusets Institute of Technology, USA
- 1976 - Honours Degree in Sociology. University of Cape Town, South Africa
- 1974 - B.A. Social Work. University of South Africa
Experience Record
1999 - Consultant in Gender and Development:
- Commission for Gender Equality (CGE) -
I facilitated the strategic planning of the CGE in March 1999, and have been contracted to conduct gender training for the Commissioners and staff of the CGE over the period of a year beginning in August 1999.
- Border Rural Committee (BRC) -
I conducted an evaluation of the BRC, an NOG involved in supporting communities on land reform and rural development, in May 1999.
- South African Government Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) - I conducted a gender review of the DTI in April 1999.
- National Land Committee (NLC) -
I facilitated a workshop on women’s land rights and co-authored a paper on this subject for the NLC in July 1999.
- African Gender Institute, UCT (AGI) -
I wrote a paper and participated in a workshop held by the AGI on the implementation of gender equity commitments.
- International Conference on Mainstreaming Gender in policy and Planning at the Development Planning Unit, University College London -
I presented a paper at this conference in June 1999.
- GTZ transform Monitoring and Evaluation Project on Conservation
- I have been contracted to serve on a team involved in evaluating aspects of the Transform (Training and Support for the Resource Management) project on three South African Parks - Makuleke in the Kruger National Park, Richtersveld in the Northern Cape and Kosi Bay in Kwa Zulu Natal. The Transform Project is a joint intiative between the German Government Agency for Technical Co-operation (GTZ) and the South African Government Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. The evaluation takes place between April and December 1999.
- Department of Social Anthropology University of Witwatersrand -
I was contracted to lecture on Gender and Development in the Department of Social Anthropology between September and November 1999.
- Zimbabwe International Book Fair -
I presented papers in two sessions at the Book Fair held in July 1999 in Harare.
1998 - Consultant in gender and Development:
- Rural Development Services Network (Johannesburg, South Africa) - I was a member of a three-person team engaged in a mid term review of this network in January and February 1998. The review was conducted in keeping with an agreement with the European Union, a key funder. The network is involved in water and sanitation projects. In December 1998 I facilitated a process for the development of a gender policy within this network.
- Netherlands Trade Union Confederation (FNV, Netherlands) - I was one of the evaluators on a two-person evaluation team for the South African component of an evaluation of the FNV’s Women and Development Policy.
- Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) -
I co-directed the Training Workshop for Trainers in Women, Gender and Development in June 1998 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Border Rural Committee (East London, South Africa) - I facilitated a gender planning process, aimed at mainstreaming gender awareness within this organisation and its programmes in land reform and rural development.
- Umtata Advice Center (Transkei, South Africa) -
I ran a training workshop on gender and development for the staff of this Ngo.
- Transkei Land service Organisation (Transkei, South Africa) - I facilitated a process for mainstreaming gender awarness within this organisation and its programmes. The organisation is concerned with land reform and rural development.
- Women’s Exchange Programme (Northern province, South Africa) -
I ran a workshop on lobbying and advocacy for rural women involved in land and rural development in the Northern Province.
- Gauteng Self Employed Women’s Union (Johannesburg, South Africa) -
I facilitated a strategic planning exercise for this organisation which organises women in the informal sector.
- Publication "Women Speak" -
I edited this book for publication. The book reflects women’s struggles and organisation in South Africa from 1982 to 1997.
- National Land Committee (Johannesburg, South Africa) -
I edited a publication for the National Land Committee and played a mentoring role to fieldworkers who contributed pspers on gender policy research from the field.
- African Gender Institute (Cape Town, South Africa) -
I participated in a workshop and presented a paper on Implementation of Gender Intents in the South African Government’s Land Reform Programme.
1997 - Consultant in Gender and Development:
- Transkey Land Service Organisation (Transkei, South Africa) -
I facilitated processes for mainstreaming gender within this organisation.
- NOVIB (The Hague, Netherlands) -
I worked as occasional gender consultant to NOVIB and in this capacity ran gender awareness worshops with a number of NOVIB project partners in South Africa.
- Commission for Gender equality (South Africa) -
I conducted an impact assessment of this programme which was aimed at ensuring that the interests of women working on farms and living on farms as farm workers dependents were represented in the policies of the post apartheid government.
- European Union (South Africa) -
I was involved as South African consultant in task Two of the EU project "Integrating Gender in EU Development Co-operation".
- Centre for Rural Legal Studies (Stellenbosch, South Africa) -
I served on a reference group organising, designing and facilitating a conference to highlight the importance of field worker contributions to policy making.
1996 - Consultant in Gender and Development:
I worked as occasional gender consultant to NOVB and in this capacity ran gender awareness workshops with a number of NOVIB project partners in South Africa.
- East Cape Land Committee (Port Elizabeth, South Africa) -
I conducted a gender awareness workshop for the staff of this organisation in order to facilitate gender aware planning and organisational development processes.
- Women’s Budget Project (Cape Town, South Africa) -
I contributed to this project which aims at raising awareness of women’s interests in the national country budget. I wrote a paper on the budgets of two government departments - Land Affairs and Agriculture.
- Publication on Women’ Land Rights -
I edited a book "Women Land Authority" with the National Land Committee.
- Transkei Land Service Organisation (Transkei, South Africa) -
I conducted an evaluation of this organisation as part of a two-person evaluation team.
July 1994 to December 1995 - Consultant in Gender and Development:
I worked as occasional gender consultant to NOVIB and in this capacity ran gender awareness workshops with a number of NOVIB project partners in South Africa.
- National Land Committee (Johannesburg, South Africa) -
I edited papers and mentored authors on women’s land rights; designed and conducted a mentoring programme for the gender co-ordinator; wrote a paper on a gendered vision for land reform; and co-facilitated a process for developing an organisational gender policy.
- Interfund (Johannesburg, South Africa) -
I ran a gender awareness workshop for the staff of this northern funding NGO.
- Planact (Johannesburg, South Africa) -
I conducted a gender awareness for the staff of this organisation working in urban development.
- Rural Women’s Movement (South Africa) -
I facilitated organisational change processes with this organisation.
July 1992 to June 1994 - Student in the USA and SPURS Fellow.
1987 to 1992: Co-ordinator of SPEAK Magazine, a magazine on struggle, development and women’s rights
in South Africa. I co-founded this magazine with a group of women community activists in 1982 in order to raise
awareness, within trade unions, community and political organisations on issues affecting black women in
South Africa. I worked on various capacities on this magazine from 1987 to1992 - as writer, editor, and
In 1988 I was contracted to lecture a 6 week course in Race Class and Gender by the University of the Witwatersrand Sociology department. In 1987 and 1988 I was contracted to lecture on Race, Class and Gender by Khanya College in Johannesburg.
1982-1987: Researcher on Projects Based in the Department of Sociology University of Natal Durban.
I co-ordinated, conducted and published research on Black women workers; racial divisions in the workforce;
the effects of political violence on shop floor relations.
1972-1982: Community Social Worker. I worked in family welfare agencies in Durban, Chatsworth and Phonix,
South Africa. I supervised social workers, set up women’s groups, facilitated the establishment of a
welfare agency in the newly developed Phoenix township, outside Durban.
Publications and Papers Presented
- 1999. "The Demobilisation of Civil Society: Struggling With New Questions" forthcoming article in Development Update. SANGOCO and Interfund. Johannesburg.
- 1999. "Constraints to Land Reform and gender equity Goals" in Agenda AGI Monograph 1999. Durban.
- 1999. "Women Speak - Reflections on Struggles in South Africa" paper presented at the Zimbabwe Book Fair, July 1999. Harare.
- 1999. "Women, Gender and Development" paper presented at Zimbabwe Book Fair, July 1999. Harare.
- 1999. Paper co-authored with Samantha Hargreaves - "Out of the Margins and Into the Centre: Gender and Institutional Change" presented at Land and Agrarian Reform Conference, organised by NLC and PLAAS July 1999 Alfa Centre.
- 1999. "The South African Women’s Budget Initiative and Land reform: Prospects for Mainstreaming Gender equity" paper presented at the Conference on Mainstreaming Gender in Policy and Planning Unit University College London.
- 1998. Edited "Women Speak: reflections on our struggles 1982 to 1997". Kwela Books in Association with SPEAK. Cape Town.
- 1998. Edited "Learning from the Field". National Land Committee. Johannesburg.
- 1998. "Possibilities for Redistribution - Rural Women in South Africa" in Gathering Voices: Perspectives on Social Science from South Africa edited by e Silva Cruz T and Sitas A. International Sociological Association. Montreal.
- 1997. "Land Affairs and Agriculture", article in The Second Women’s Budget edited by Debbie Budlender. IDASA Publications. Cape Town.
- 1997. "Gender and Land Rights: The struggle over resources in post apartheid South Africa" in IDS Bulletin, July 1997. University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom.
- 1997. "Feminist Agendas in Activism and Academia - The Challenge for Agenda" in Agenda No 34 1997, Durban.
- 1997. Co-authored with Fiona Archer, "Women, Tenure and Land Reform: The case of Namaqualand’s Reserves", in Women, Land and Authority edited by Shamim Meer. David Philip. Cape Town. / Oxfam UK and I. Oxford United Kingdom.
- 1997. Edited "Women, Land and Authority". David Philip. Cape Town. / Oxfam UK and I. Oxford United Kingdom.
- 1996. "A Gender Vision for Land Reform in South africa" National Land Committee. Johannesburg.
- 1996, "Possibilities for Redistribution: Rural Women in South africa Today", paper presented at an International Conference on Re-entry into the Global Economy organised by the Institute of International Studies, University of California. Berkeley USA.
- 1994. "Women’s Access to Land in South Africa’s Batustans", paper presented at the Southern African Sociology Association’s Annual Conference in July 1994 and based on Master’s Thesis of the same title.
- 1991. Contributed to, co-ordinated and conducted research for "Black Women Workers - A Study in Patriarchy, Race and Women Production Workers in South Africa" by Fatima Meer with Sayo Skweyiya, Sheila Jolobe, Jean Westmore amd Shamim Meer. Institute for Black research. Durban.
- 1988. "Conflict in the Communities and in the Factories" in South African Labour Bulletin Vol 13 No 3 and Vol 13 No 4/5. Johannesburg.
- 1986. "Divide and Profit - Indian Workers in Natal". Worker Resistance in Natal Project University of Natal, Durban.